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Showing posts from October, 2015

HORECA – Critical Mass in International Markets Let’s be honest. Volume is the major driver in the food service industry. We all want it and for good reason. By Cameron Gordon, Asia Market Director, Incite Volume gives us critical mass. Economies of scale that allow for reduced costs and leaner margins. The net result is increased competitiveness, more frequent orders, and happy customers. But, unless you’re in the commodity trade, most export sales will not start out as FCL (full container load) and you’ll probably be using a distribution partner to supply end customers. Building volume takes a concerted effort. Even if you have managed to secure a partnership with one of the leading distributors in your export market, it can be a painfully slow process. The reasons for this can include: - The distributor is overloaded with brands. - The distributor’s sales force do not understand your products USP, or there are other products in the catalog they