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Showing posts with the label result oriented

7 Steps to Help You Focus and Set Goals  By Chaya Shuchat Our generation has a focusing problem. The continuous stream of pings and beeps from our devices keeps us trapped in a never-ending feedback loop. We’re constantly exposed to images of everyone else’s glamorous adventures, leading to a curious cultural phenomenon dubbed FOMO, or “fear of missing out.” It has become popular to put together “bucket lists” of things we hope to do in life one day, but as the Midrash says, “No man leaves this world with half his wishes fulfilled.” 1 Having as many options as we do does not contribute to our peace of mind or tranquility. On the contrary, it can make us feel even more anxious and fragmented. No matter what we’re doing, we can’t shake the feeling that we ought to be doing something else. The Lubavitcher R