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Showing posts with the label branding

Is an MBA degree worth pursuing ?

This is a subject which often comes up in the minds of those planning to take up the programme . I must say has taken a fairly unbiased approach to the same and given a prospective student a nice overview about it below :-  ( MBAs have always been considered sure-fire investments, much like owning a house. But now that the United States economy is shifting in a direction it hasn’t seen in a while, the actual worth of an MBA these days is up for debate. If you research the worth of an MBA online you will find that the lines are divided, particularly when it comes to one of the latest buzzwords in the field—ROI. ROI, or “Return on Investment,” is usually related to gauging the worth of products or services in the business world. But ROI is being applied to the MBA degree itself more and more these days, making the decision about enrolling in an   MBA program exponentially difficult.

Pilsbury - Dil Se Khao

Pillsbury is a global food brand that is trying to replicate its success in Indian market. The brand was launched in Indiain 1998 as a result of a joint venture between Godrej and Selviac Nederland BV ( Pillsbury). Pillsbury have a rich heritage dating back to 1869. It started as a flour milling company named Pillsbury and is now one of the largest brands in the food products market in the world.In 2002, the company was taken over by General Mills. When Pillsbury was launched, it had the option of coming in with the blockbuster global "ready to eat products" , but it chose a contra approach heeding to the advice given by Mckinsey “ GO Basic”. So Pillsbury launched Pillsbury Chakki fresh atta ( pounded wheat flour) in the Indian market. It was a bold move because the atta market is a commodity market and the branded atta market is only 3% of the total atta market in India estimated to be around 23000 crore. Pillsbury chakkifresh atta was launched in India on the platfo