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Defining your Brand's Personality

One of the finest reviews I have come across on brand personality ,which gives a layman a quick gist on assessing the brand personality type .... What are ‘brand personality attributes?’ A brand’s personality is formally defined as “a set of human characteristics associated with the name of a product, service or company,” but that’s just fancy brandspeak for “adjectives used to describe a brand.” So, quite literally, brand personality attributes are “brand adjectives.” For example, Marlboro is associated as a “masculine” brand, while Virginia Slims is seen as “feminine.” IBM is seen as “older,” while Apple is perceived as “younger.” Indeed, Apple is almost known entirely for its brand personality attributes — innovative, stylish, intuitive, cool, casual, easy-going and friendly. Identifying your brand’s personality Branding experts use a number of tools, tricks and techniques to tease out an organization’s personality. There is no singular “right way” to tackle the questio