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3 Ways to Improve your Personal Judgement

  BY TOMAS CHAMORRO-PREMUZIC 3 MINUTE READ 3 Ways To Improve Your Personal Judgement ( For decades our definition of “smart” was tied to academic knowledge. But there is a big disconnect between what universities teach and what the real world of work demands, and individuals with high IQ can sometimes do stupid things. Then came the notion of emotional intelligence, or EQ, which highlights the importance of social and political skills in all areas of life. Although EQ is enormously important, there is more to intelligence than social skills. Indeed, you can have great people-skills but make the wrong decisions in life, and several of the most exceptional achievers have been considered interpersonally dysfunctional and antisocial: Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and Larry Ellison are just a few examples. So what is it, then, that smart people do right? What qualities do they have that set them apart from the rest? Mostly, they make better decisions, especially when it really mat

The 5 Best Teaching Methods I Used This Year

  The 5 Best Teaching Methods I Used This Year ( by  Nancy Barile, Award-Winning Teacher, M.A.Ed. At the end of each school year, I like to ask myself: "What are the best teaching methods I've used this year?" By examining my practice and identifying my best teaching methods, I can ensure they are fully incorporated into next year's lessons. Here are five strategies that proved to be extremely effective in my classroom. 1. Student-Centered Discussions I admit that I do enjoy being the "sage on the stage" in my classroom, but I realize that this does little to engage my students in deep thinking. I want my students to be at the center of their learning. Previously, when we read a book or short story, I'd ask questions to the whole class. Inevitably, the same five or six students would answer the questions, and I'd assume everyone understood. Now, I create small groups of three or four students, and they answer the questions in those small grou

7 Strategies to Boost Moroccan Students’ Performance

  Rabat  –  A Moroccan teacher and Fulbright Teaching Assistant at an American university offers his perspective on how elements of the American educational style can be applied in  Morocco  to encourage the pursuit of academic excellence. 7 Strategies to Boost Moroccan Students’ Performance ( What makes uniquely human is their insatiable mission for improvement. Humans have a desire for problem-solving, collaborating to craft new solutions, and communicating their results. Innate within every human being is the ambition for greater efficiency, flexibility, awareness, artistry, independence, and spirituality. Despite the fact that every individual human being comes to this world endowed with the aforementioned abilities, if not maintained and trained, the abilities may not be fully realized due to the surrounding conditions or psychological constraints. The abilities must be repeatedly stimulated, demonstrated, and boosted in order for them to play their role. Actu

Great Ways to Teach Students about Marketing

Great Ways to Teach Students about Marketing ( Students tend to become too engrossed in the luxuries of life that they sooner or later forget what is being taught to them in school. While it is true that a great and reliable teacher holds the key to their unyielding interest on any topic, it is the teaching strategies that prove whether or not the students would be willing to learn more. To some, marketing could be considered that specific field in which only future marketing majors in universities would be willing to study. This is a challenge not just for the unreliable attention spans of the youth, but for the tried-and-tested patience of the instructors as well. This article shall teach educators alike a few great ways to teach students about marketing. 1. Slogan/jingle making What better way to create a fun atmosphere inside the classroom than to initiate an activity that involves slogan or jingle making. As forthcoming businessmen, students would be able to devel

10 Tips for Marketing Research Reports that get Read

10 Tips for Marketing Research Reports That Get Read | Infosurv | Infosurv   Infosurv Research’s Insights Reports always receive accolades from our clients. We like to think that they are different – and better – from the average marketing research report. Why?  Because we focus on directly answering the project objectives and helping our clients make better business decisions. There are no hard and fast rules for writing a great marketing research report; indeed, each report is customized to the project at hand. However, there are some tips you can use to make your marketing research reports (or for that matter, any report) better. First of all, you want to get your reports read. After all, if no one reads them, you might as well not write them, and you probably shouldn’t invest money in doing research! So keep your reader in mind as you develop the report and think creatively about how to present the information in a way that makes it easy for the reader to absorb. Format, text, grap

Silence (from the Laws of Power)

Power is in many ways a game of appearances, and when you say less than necessary, you inevitably appear greater and more powerful than you are. Your silence will make other people uncomfortable. Humans are machines of interpretation and explanation; they have to know what you are thinking. When you carefully control what you reveal, they cannot pierce Your intentions or your meaning.  Your short answers and silences will put them on the defensive, and they will jump in, nervously filling the silence with all kinds of comments that will reveal valuable information about them and their weaknesses. They will leave a meeting with you feeling as if they had been robbed, and they will go home and ponder your every word.  This extra attention to your brief comments will only add to your power. Saying less than necessary is not for kings and statesmen only. In most areas of life, the less you say, the more profound and mysterious you appear.  As a young man, the artist Andy Warhol had the rev

Manipulate Time With These Powerful 20 Time Management Tips John Rampton We all have 24-hours in a day. But, why does it seem that some people are able to get the most out of every minute of the day? Believe it or not, they don’t have the power to slow down time. They do, however, know how to properly   manage their time . Want to know how you can become a master of  time management  as well? Start by using these 20 super-powerful time management tips. 1. Create a time audit. When it comes to time management, the first step you need to take is finding out where your time actually goes. You may believe that you only send 30 minutes on  emails , but in reality that task is eating-up an hour of your day. The easiest way to keep track of your time is to download an app like  RescueTime ,  Toggl  or my app  Calendar  to track everything you do for a week. You can then access a report to find out what’s stealing your time.