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How To Get the Most Out of Every Book and Article You Read If I’d ask you to summarize the last three books or articles you’ve read, how much would you be able to recall? If you’re honest, your answer will be not much. That’s among others because we’re experiencing a massive information overflow. This flood of information in the 21st century is a curse and a blessing at the same time: It enables us to learn anything quickly and at low costs, but at the same time, it often overwhelms us. According to Jim Kwik, our capacity to learn is limitless; we simply need to be shown how to access it.

7 Smart Things You Can Do Every Weekend To Be Happy, Healthy, and Focused     Sinem Günel There are two types of people: Those who use the weekend to recover from weekdays and those who use weekends to their advantage by investing in their happiness, health, and personal growth. The truth is, your weekends impact your life just as much as your Monday to Friday. Here’s a simple example: If you stick to your diet during the week but consume loads of unhealthy foods plus alcohol on weekends, you’ll struggle to achieve your fitness goals. In the end, our weekends shape a significant part of our lives too, so we can’t just stick to our good habits during the week and completely ignore our intentions on Saturday and Sunday. Here’s what I do every weekend to ensure I achieve my long-term goals with ease: Start by doing something you genuinely enjoy Just because you want to use your weekends intelligently doesn’t mean you can’t have fun o

Best Physics Apps for Students

10 Best Physics Apps for Students - Educational App Store   Discover the amazing world of physics for kids and students with our awesome range of physics apps for iOS and Android devices. Students can learn about gravity, electricity, magnets, gears and all kinds of interesting physics topics. Students today have access to tablets and smartphone apps that teaches physics principles such as inertia, gravity, and others. If you need more help learning physics, check our list of physics apps that encourage students to explore physics in a way that suits their needs. Check out the list of the best Physics apps that can be helpful for teachers and students as they learn about physics. Contents Best Physics Apps 1. Pocket Physics 2. Oomph 3. PhysicsProf 4. Equate Formula Solver 5. Monster Physics 6. Phywiz - Physics Solver 7. Crazy Gears 8. Moon Phases AR 9. Learn Physics by Videos 10. Newtonium Physics Simulator 1.  Pocket Physics Pocket Physics is a free app that gives you the information

How to Stay Energized: Maintaining Motivation throughout the Ye   By Christopher Isak Sunday, January 16, 2022  We all know that motivation is a vital factor in determining whether we will be able to meet our goals. But motivation can quickly fade and leave us feeling drained for an entire year. This is why it’s essential to learn ways on how you could maintain your energy throughout the year, not just during January or February. Managing ourselves often includes managing our motivation, energy, as well as general well-being. This blog post will list some motivation methods as well as some ideas on how you could keep up with the motivation so that it doesn’t disappear before spring arrives. What are some ways one can stay motivated throughout the whole year? Maintaining motivation and energy throughout the year is vital for your career and private life. It can be tough to stay motivated and energetic all the time, but there are ways to make it a

7 Ways to Increase Your Motivation at Work Are you finding it difficult to focus on your work due to a lack of motivation? Here are some tips on how to stay motivated at work. No matter which profession you are in or how much you love your job, there are days when you can barely get yourself to work. It's okay to feel this way once in a while, but if it happens for a prolonged period, it can affect your productivity at work. This is why it's crucial to train yourself to break out of this rut and get back on track. Here are some effective ways you can increase motivation at work. 1. Introspect and List Down What Drives You Most times, you tend to lose motivation because of getting lost in the daily hustle. It's understandably difficult to find meaning and purpose in everyday, routine tasks. This is when you need to remind yourself what drives you and the reasons why you started.

Andisor, the B2B startup that offers wholesale-in-a-box for emerging fashion brands Rowan Crosby - January 19, 2022  In the B2B sales world, growth is usually a function of connections, capital and crew.  For emerging brands, these resources are often in short supply. For this reason, brands are limited in their ability to increase revenue in a short period, and retailers need to constantly find new stock for their customers to keep them coming back. This can be costly and risky.  Vandana Chaudhry and Katie Fletcher co-founded Andisor to build a platform that helps brands, their business partners and retailers use technology to make better buying decisions, build relationships and drive long term growth. Andisor is a SaaS-enabled marketplace helping brands grow by connecting them to a large channel of retailers.  CEO Vandana Chaudhry says the business landscape is ripe for new technology that is custom-made for the industry.  “A wholesale salesper

On Staying in love with your Goals