1. Practice Good Vocal Techniques Breath Control : Use diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe deeply into your abdomen, not your chest. Practice exercises like counting aloud while exhaling to improve breath control. Posture : Stand or sit upright with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and chin parallel to the ground. Good posture helps your lungs expand fully and supports better vocal projection. Articulation : Practice tongue twisters to improve clarity and diction. Focus on enunciating vowels and consonants clearly in everyday speech. Pitch and Resonance : Avoid speaking in a monotone; vary your pitch for a more engaging voice. Experiment with speaking from your chest (chest resonance) to produce a fuller sound. Volume and Projection : Avoid straining your voice. Use controlled breath support to increase volume instead of shouting. Practice speaking to the "back of the room" to improve projection. 2. Care for Your Vocal Health Stay Hydrated : Drink plenty of water through...
Compendium on Work, Health , Learning , Social and Spiritual Aspects of Leading a Complete Life