1. Resolve today to dedicate yourself to lifelong learning; decide to pay any price, invest any amount of time re quired, to be the best at what you do. 2. Build your own personal library of books that can help you to be even more effective at what you do; take time each day to learn something new. 3. Listen to audio programs in your car from now on. This habit alone can make you one of the best-educated and highest-paid people in your fifield. 4. Take a course in public speaking and learn how to be both effective and persuasive on your feet. This skill can open countless doors for you. 5. Learn to speed-read and also to read more effificiently. These are both basic skills that you can acquire and use for the rest of your life. 6. Join the business groups and associations that welcome members of your profession or business; get involved and offer to help. 7. Get up at least one hour earlier than you need to and invest the ‘‘golden hour’’ in yourself. Read something up lifting or ed
Compendium on Work, Health , Learning , Social and Spiritual Aspects of Leading a Complete Life