A slower-paced life means making time to enjoy your mornings, instead of rushing off to work in a frenzy. It means taking time to enjoy whatever you’re doing, to appreciate the outdoors, to actually focus on whoever you’re talking to or spending time with — instead of always being connected to a Blackberry or iPhone or laptop, instead of always thinking about work tasks and emails. It means single-tasking rather than switching between a multitude of tasks and focusing on none of them. Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but it leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness. Some tips from Leo Babauta on Zen Habits in breathing: 1. Do less – Identify 3 critical tasks for the day and focus on achieving the same. As Horace Walpole once said - The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well. 2. Be present - Focus on what you are doing instead of allowing your mind to fly in
Compendium on Work, Health , Learning , Social and Spiritual Aspects of Leading a Complete Life