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Lessons from Albert Einstein

An outstanding scientist and insightful philosopher  Albert Einstein  has made his brilliant discoveries not only with the help of existing knowledge, but also thanks to his  inner voice  and  a power of his imagination . Einstein never believed in impossibility of anything and followed his own  secrets of success . Here are some of them.   1.  A person who has never made a mistake has never tried to do something new. The fear of mistake stops many of us at the moment of making an important decision. Sometimes such a decision can change all our life. And someone who dares knows that it’s better to regret something you have done than something you haven’t done.   2.  Education is what  remains after one has  forgotten  everything he learned in school. We remember only what we have learned by ourselves. Over years our memory erases every...

Outstanding Networking Quotes

“Networking with integrity creates a greater willingness of all parties to be part of a human conduit to serve as energy and resource to one another. Sometimes you will give more than you receive and sometimes you will get back more than you give. It’s not about keeping score.” -- Chris London, Editor of Manhatten Society “It's the oldest, corniest piece of advice in the world but it still works. The strongest networks are built on friendship. Be a friend not only to the people in your network, but to the people who matter the most to the people in your network.” -- Harvey Mackay, Businessman and Author “Think about it: everybody you know, everyone that you meet, also know about 250 people. So every time you cultivate a relationship with one new person, you have actually expanded your personal inventory by 250 people - every single time.” -- Bob Burg, Author and Speaker “The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work.” -- Robert Kiy...

Time Management

TM is the most critical of all resources a way I value it more than money ...This section of Mind Tools teaches you time management skills. These are the simple, practical techniques that have helped the leading people in business, sport and public service reach the pinnacles of their careers. The  40+ skills  taught here help you become highly effective, by showing you how to identify and focus on the activities that give you the greatest returns. Doing this will save you time, helping you work smarter, not harder. What's more, these same techniques help you beat work overload – a key source of stress.

Self Help from 10 geniuses ...Michael Gelb

Well ,I happen to be a Michael Gelb Fan and just finished reading his Discover your Genius ...a masterpiece ,which can really have a significant impact on the way you approach problems as well as having the potential to change your life's philosophy .Sections on Plato, Columbus, Jefferson, Gandhi and Einstein were especially my favourites .  He seems to be a man consumed by passion to change our life ...a masterpiece in my opinion .I am still making notes of the same to make these life practices ..Happy reading ... USA Today, April 8, 2002 By Bruce Rosenstein April 8, 2002 Never mind Bill Gates, Jack Welch and other contemporary get-aheads for inspiration. Consider, instead, the likes of Plato, Gandhi, Einstein and other geniuses, says Michael Gelb, a writer who believes in going to the all-time greats. That’s the premise behind his newest book,  Discover Your Geniu...

Research funding

Should public money finance applied research? If there is one thing that has politicians of all stripes nodding approvingly, it is promoting innovation. Even in these straitened times governments are keen on pouring money into research with direct practical relevance. Unravelling the mysteries of the universe, as was the case with the long-awaited discovery of the Higgs boson, is all very well, they hear some voters say, but it hardly impinges on people's everyday lives. But should politicians be funnelling taxpayers' money into applied-research projects? Some of these will be spun off into successful enterprises, potentially benefiting the public thanks to the technological advances they develop. Plenty of others will flounder, yielding no practical benefits. Perhaps the task of picking winners in applied research ought to be left to the private sector.

All about the Olympics

The  Olympic Games  ( French :  les  Jeux olympiques ,  JO [1] ) is a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a  variety of competitions . The Olympic Games are considered to be the world's foremost sports competition and more than 200 nations participate. [2]  The Games are currently held biennially, with  Summer  and  Winter Olympic Games alternating, meaning they each occur every four years. The  ancient Olympic Games  were held in  Olympia, Greece , from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. Baron  Pierre de Coubertin  founded the  International Olympic Committee  (IOC) in 1894. The IOC has since become the governing body of the  Olympic Movement , whose structure and actions are defined by the  Olympic Charter .