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The Power of Concentration for Enhancing Performance

M.S. Srinivasan Whatever you may want to do in life, one thing is absolutely indispensable and at the basis of everything is the capacity of concentrating the attention. - The Mother The ability to concentrate and use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business - or almost everywhere. - Lee Iacoca   Former CEO of Chrysler The capacity for concentration is an important factor in enhancing the efficiency and productivity of individuals. There is at present a considerable mass of literature on concentration based mainly on the ancient disciplines of Indian Yoga. However there is not yet sufficient clarity on how to apply these principles and methods of concentration in the modern corporate environment. This article examines the problem of concentration in the corporate context and as a means for improving the performance of individuals. Key Perspectives Principles of concentration; concentration in the corporate context; obstacles to concentrat

Career Options

Many youngsters with eager eyes looking into the future might like to bounce various career options from my presentation below :

The Four Questions Great Leaders Ask Mike Maddock , Contributor “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers .” —Voltaire Ever notice how great leaders ask the best questions? A masterful leader will sit Yoda-like in a meeting, listening intently to the dialogue and then, with Zen Master timing, ask a question that will change the tenor, the focus and the performance of the entire team. Impressive. Seeing a seasoned leader ask questions is like watching a great musician or athlete who just seems to know what note to play or what play to call. In my opinion, this rare ability is the performance art of business. I aspire to be this kind of leader and hope that with age and experience, I will eventually have the wisdom and timing to use less oxygen and get greater results. (As my mother used to explain—often, I am afraid—God isn’t finished with me yet.) From my experience, many of the best questions revol

Secrets to Lasting Success as an Entrepreneur

BY  NADIA GOODMAN Consider Brown's five keys to lasting success as outlined below. Give these tactics a try to reach your goals time and time again. 1. Create your own serendipity. If you look at highly successful people, their road to greatness was full of twists and turns. "Successful people take very circuitous paths," Brown says. "They have a real knack for recognizing nontraditional opportunities." Rather than waiting in a long line of succession, look for paths that others haven't tried. Take on projects that add a unique skill to your toolkit, find ways to meet people you admire, or pitch yourself for opportunities that seem like an unexpected match. Don't be afraid to get creative. There are many ways to reach every destination. 2. Know what you bring to the table. Successful people take inventory of their skills and abilities regularly, and they use that feedback to improve.

5 Ways to Succeed in Any Economy

BY  GRANT CARDONE The more difficult the economy, the greater the opportunities -- but only for those who are strong, well-prepared and persistent. Many people are fixated by national or even global  economic doom and gloom . Many wait for a magic fix, only to realize it will never come. We are now in what I like to call an “eat what you kill" environment, where the people who win are those who take the initiative without waiting for permission to create their own success. Here are five ways I have found to ensure success in any economy: 1. Depend on no one. Success will elude you until you realize that no one is the cause of your problems and no one can ensure you will achieve your goals. Your destiny is up to you and no one else. I began on the path to making a real difference in my professional life only after I decided I would not take the crumbs the government doles out through unemployment benefits and would ge

20 Invaluable Lessons from Warren Buffet By Scott  The Power of Continued Education On Friday night I walked into the Omaha Marriott to check in for the weekend. The first person I said hello to was Bill Gates (yes that Bill Gates). He didn’t exactly respond to me by first name, but the brief exchange (and shot of adrenaline that came with it) reminded me of the potential of the weekend ahead. When in Omaha you never know what’s going to happen. That’s why I go. The next day I spent over eight hours with Warren Buffett. What I learned blew my mind… As it always does. I wish it were just the two of us, but there were actually about 35,000 other passionate Buffett fanatics who joined me to learn from the most wealthy investor of the modern world. This was my 6th straight year attending his company’s Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholder’s Meeting, and it certainly won’t be my last. The weekend is packed wi