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How Calculus helps us in our Professions

With calculus, we have the ability to find the effects of changing conditions on a system. By studying these, you can learn how to control a system to make it do what you want it to do. Because of the ability to model and control systems, calculus gives us extraordinary power over the material world. Calculus is the language of engineers, scientists, and economists. The work of these professionals has a huge impact on our daily life - from your microwaves, cell phones, TV, and car to medicine, economy, and national defense. Credit card companies  use calculus to set the minimum payments due on credit card statements at the exact time the statement is processed by considering multiple variables such as changing interest rates and a fluctuating available balance. Biologists  use differential calculus to determine the exact rate of growth in a bacterial culture when different variables such as temperature and food source are changed. This research can help increase the rate of

Practical Tips to Strengthen your Business

1.Entire team must have all the information about the business including the financials. 2.Make a 90day plan and break it down into months and weeks. 3.Measure your profit points daily. 4.Turn the team loose to reduce all unnecessary expenses. 5.All purchases must go through a formal purchase order process. 6.Turn on your accounting headlights not taillights. Taillight accounting tells you where you had been not where you are going. 7.Bonuses not raises.When you give bonuses money is already in the bank. 8.Keep no accounts receivables. McDonalds does not let you go the second window without paying. Adapted from Strengthen Your Business by Robert Thomas Bethel.

Reduce Stress by overcoming Desires

Time and again the Bhagavad Gita has stressed on overcoming desires through Lord Krishna educating Arjuna. Overcoming desires helps to concentrate on the present and prevents dilution of energy other than disappointments in the event of failure . There are both materialistic as well as lustful desires which need to be overcome always . Like nutraceuticals there are nutriments which nourish good thoughts and this comes through careful reflection.  Solutions:  You are dwelling on something. You cancel that by  making the mind dwell on healthier things: I liked  “Techniques for Overcoming Hindrances” section of  Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English   by Bhante Gunaratana and here are 4 points that he succinctly stressed upon : Pure mindfulness—When a desire arises, notice that it is present.  When it disappears, notice that it is absent. Mindful reflection—Generate a genuine, healthy desire to rise  above this unmindful reflection and get rid of it. Generate its opposite,  mindful

Distribution Strategy-Riding the Future by Abandoning the Past

A good way of studying distribution strategy is to look at the way the rules of film reaching the end consumer has changed. The movie halls were first beaten by CDs and DVDs which saved both commuting time and cost per ticket for each family member. In the early 2000s Netflix's revolutionary DVD by mail service put all the most powerful movie-rental stores out of business. If we remember blockbuster was the giant who controlled the DVD brick and mortar movie rental and was ultimately displaced by the dvd by mail service.  Netflix offered more than 100,000 titles, there was no commuting and late fees involved .By 2010 as Netflix surged the once mighty Blockbuster fell into bankruptcy. Also around the same time Coinstar's Redbox started a $1/day DVD rental kiosk and Hulu also started an ad supported high quality free access to movies and TV shows . To come back to Netflix it had 25 million subscribers ,built up a massive physical DVD library and a streaming library of 2

Why British Organizations in Bengal slumped

The subject has been of much interest and definitely entails a lot of research. However I have arrived at some conclusions based on primary studies through my experience. Initially let us try to understand the environment under which the British firms operated which could help us arrive at a few answers . Supplier ’s Market : Spices, Tea and Jute were shortage commodities.The First and Second World War further led to spurt in demand. The British mercantile firms in India were never under pressure to create customers or brands.   Lack of pressure to create brands : Since the business was essentially driven by volume with decent profit margins there was no reason to create brands and up the profitability further. Cost Structure and Overheads :  The British organizations had abnormal profit margins and were willing to share the same with employees.The economy was mainly supply driven and ability to retain employees in remote locations was a key challenge.Hence there was no r