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Online Education in India: Trends & Future Prospects

With the development of technology, India has witnessed an enhanced acceptance of online education over a period of few years. Many students and working professionals have joined different e-learning platforms in the past few years in order to enhance their skills. And, looking at trends, the number of people adopting online education platforms is expected to increase significantly in the near future.
As per a recent report released by KPMG India and Google, Online Education in India: 2021, the market for online education in India is expected to witness a magnificent growth of eight times in the next five years, i.e., from USD 247 million in 2016 to USD 1.96 billion in 2021. Such high growth in online education market is projected to be the outcome of increased number of paid online education users from 1.57 million in 2016 to 9.5 million in 2021.
So, as the market for e-learning is predicted to grow multiple times in the coming years, let us see some emerging trends in Indian online higher education system.
Emerging Trends in Indian Online Higher Education System
India has one of the largest higher education systems in the world. It mainly consists of three parts – university, college, and course. And, all parts of the higher education system are governed by the University Grants Commission and its professional councils.
According to KPMG report, online higher education in India is at an early stage of development and has witnessed emergence of different private universities offering UG and PG e-learning courses to students. However, as compared to graduation and diploma courses, the demand for online higher education is dominated by post-graduation courses such as MBA and MCA (as evident in the graph below).
Online Education in India: Trends & Future Prospects
Source: KPMG Report: Online Education in India: 2021
Also, have a look at the kind of courses adopted by students and working professionals in tier 1 and tier 2 cities. 
Online Education in India: Trends & Future Prospects
Source: KPMG Report: Online Education in India: 2021
As is evident in the graph above, tier 1 cities have higher adoption of different types of PG courses such as MBA, MCA, MTech, and BEd/ MEd. However, in tier 2 cities there is a high demand for only those courses that can offer lucrative job opportunities to students such as MBA and MCA.
Test Prep through Online Education
As the KPMG report states, number of students adopting online platforms for test preparation is expected to increase significantly in coming years. The different online platforms could either act as a substitute or complement to the existing offline test prep market to provide coaching to students for various exams such as JEE Main, NEET, CAT, Bank PO, and CLAT. It is projected that the category of test prep will grow at a CAGR of 64% in 2021.
Many new players have emerged in the online test prep market which are launching exam-specific mobile applications for students. Apart from that, lack of good faculty in tier 2 and 3 cities is also driving candidates from these areas to adopt online platforms for exam preparation.
Online Education in India: Trends & Future Prospects
Source: KPMG Report: Online Education in India: 2021
As is evident in the graph above, there is a higher adoption rate for job focused test prep (such as for Bank PO, GMAT/ MBA, and other government services) courses in tier 1 cities. On the other hand, in tier 2 cities, candidates are more inclined towards taking online test prep for UG courses (related to streams such as Engineering, Medical, and Law).
Ways in which online education helps candidates prepare efficiently for different competitive exams are as follows:
Webinar: A seminar conducted in the online mode is referred to as a webinar. These days many online players conduct webinars that help candidates in conceptual clarity.
Mock tests: Mock tests are emerging as a popular course component for students wherein they participate in a series of tests and get a comparative assessment (with other students) of their performance. With mock tests, candidates also get to know their areas of improvement as well as test pattern of the competitive exam they are planning to appear for.
Videos: Videos are helpful for candidates in solving exam papers and other problem areas.
Counselling: As a differentiator, players in online test prep market have also started offering course and career counselling services to students.
Online Education: Why it is Gaining Popularity
As per KPMG report, there are many reasons why students and working professionals are moving towards e-learning/ online education. Have a look at some such reasons below:
Internet penetration: India has an internet penetration of about 31% today, which means 409 million internet users. It is predicted that by 2021, there will be nearly 735 million internet users in India, which will lead to increase in traffic for online education players.
Smartphone penetration: Currently, there are 290 million smartphone users in India and the user base is expected to grow with the addition of another 180 million new users by 2021.
Flexibility of time: This is specifically true for working professionals who have time constraints in pursuing an offline course. Pursuing a course in online mode allows a person to multi-task with other work and family commitments.
Quality education: There are areas in India where there is lack of quality offline education. For instance, states such Bihar, Kerala as well as Jammu and Kashmir account for about four lakh distance education enrollments, states KPMG report.
Immediate results: Online education allows candidates to get immediate results for any test that they appear for. This further helps them in preparing for exams more efficiently.
Government initiatives: Government’s recent initiatives such as SWAYAM, e-Basta, and Digital India is expected to strengthen the infrastructure needed by students to pursue education in online mode.
Study material: A variety of online study material in the form of videos and texts are encouraging students to adopt online education platforms.
Affordability: Online courses joined at UG or PG level are much more affordable than traditional programmes as depicted in the image below.
Online Education in India: Trends & Future Prospects
Source: KPMG Report: Online Education in India: 2021

Online Education: Future Prospects
Looking at the current trends, it is expected that online higher education market will witness considerable growth in the next five years and aid in distance learning programmes. However, since these courses are limited to theoretical content currently, adoption of virtual classroom concepts could bring a practical component in the online medium.
Apart from that, more number of students, especially from tier 2 and 3 cities are expected to adopt different online channels to prepare for competitive exams. This is considering the limited options available for offline test preparation at these places.
Hybrid model is expected to gain traction in future, where online players are expected to open offline centres to provide classroom-like experience to students. Also, gamification, the approach of introducing fun elements like video game design in learning, is likely to gain popularity in India. As per the report, some players have already started entering the space in order to enhance engagement of learners.
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Suhail Khan said…
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Thank you Mr Suhail Khan for your inputs.
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