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Summary of Grit by Duckworth

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth explores the concept of grit as a key factor in achieving success. Duckworth, a psychologist, argues that talent alone is not enough to achieve long-term success. Instead, the combination of passion and perseverance, which she defines as "grit," is what truly matters.

Key Concepts from "Grit":

1. Grit Defined:

  • Grit is the combination of passion (a deep interest and commitment to something) and perseverance (the ability to stick with it over the long term, even when challenges arise). Gritty people have a long-term goal they are passionate about, and they work consistently toward it, despite obstacles or setbacks.

2. Talent vs. Effort:

  • Duckworth challenges the common belief that success is primarily a result of innate talent. She argues that while talent can provide a head start, effort counts twice. Talent leads to skill, but effort turns skill into achievement. This formula is summarized as:
    • Talent × Effort = Skill
    • Skill × Effort = Achievement
  • Therefore, effort is more important than talent in the long run.

3. Passion:

  • Passion, as described by Duckworth, isn’t about fleeting excitement or instant gratification. It's about having a sustained interest in something over a long period. People with grit are deeply passionate about their goals and find meaning in their work, which helps them stay committed even when things get tough.

4. Perseverance:

  • Perseverance is the other key component of grit. It’s the ability to keep going in the face of adversity. People with perseverance work through setbacks and maintain focus, even when progress is slow or uncertain. This "stick-with-it-ness" is essential for long-term achievement.

5. The Grit Scale:

  • Duckworth developed a Grit Scale to measure an individual’s level of grit. The scale asks questions about consistency of interests and perseverance of effort over time. She found that individuals who scored high on grit tend to achieve more, regardless of their intelligence or natural abilities.

6. Growth Mindset:

  • Grit is closely tied to the idea of a growth mindset, a concept developed by psychologist Carol Dweck. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning. People with a growth mindset are more likely to demonstrate grit because they view challenges as opportunities to grow, rather than as insurmountable barriers.

7. Four Psychological Assets of Grit:

  • Duckworth outlines four assets that help people develop grit:
    1. Interest: You must find something you care deeply about. Passion begins with interest.
    2. Practice: Continuous improvement through deliberate practice is essential. Gritty individuals practice diligently, constantly working to get better.
    3. Purpose: Gritty people often believe their work matters beyond themselves. They have a sense of purpose and a drive to contribute to something greater than their own personal goals.
    4. Hope: Hope is not just blind optimism. It’s the belief that perseverance will lead to success, even when things are tough. Hope fuels the effort required to overcome obstacles.

8. The Role of Failure:

  • Failure is seen as an inevitable part of the process of success. Gritty people use failure as a learning experience and are resilient in the face of setbacks. They understand that failure is not a permanent condition but a stepping stone to improvement.

9. Parenting for Grit:

  • Duckworth discusses how parents, educators, and mentors can cultivate grit in young people. She suggests a balanced approach to parenting, which she calls "wise parenting." It combines high expectations with strong support, encouraging children to pursue challenging tasks while providing guidance and encouragement.

10. The Role of Culture:

  • Culture plays an important role in fostering grit. People are influenced by the expectations of those around them. Being part of a group or environment that values hard work, resilience, and long-term goals can help individuals develop grit.


In "Grit", Angela Duckworth argues that success is more about passion and perseverance than innate talent. Gritty individuals are those who set long-term goals, work consistently towards them, and do not give up in the face of adversity. While talent can provide a starting point, effort and persistence are what ultimately lead to achievement. Duckworth’s research provides a new perspective on what it takes to succeed, showing that grit can be developed over time, regardless of natural ability. 


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