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Seven Steps to the Top - Brian Tracy

Here are the seven steps in the 1,000 percent formula:   Step 1: Arise Two Hours Before Your First Appointment, or before you have to be at work. Invest the first hour in yourself by reading something educational, motivational, or spiritual. As Henry Ward Beecher once said, “The first hour is the rudder of the day.” When you get up and invest the first hour in yourself, you set yourself up mentally to have an excellent day. You will be more positive, alert, creative, and productive all day long when you start your day by investing the first hour in yourself. If you read in your field one hour per day, that will translate into about one book per week. One book per week will translate into about fifty books per year. Since the average adult reads less than one nonfiction book per year, if you were to read fifty books in your field each year, do you think that would give you an edge in your profession? Do you think that it would move you ahead of virtually everyone else in your busin

How to Be Productive, According to Ancient Philosophy Improving productivity has been a pursuit of the modern human being from the start of civilization. Somehow, we believe that productivity is something that became important after the industrial revolution. We assume that, because we live busy lives, we need to optimize our time—especially in the 21st century. That’s not true. Productivity has been a topic of discussion ever since ancient eastern and western philosophy started. It’s a universal theme. I believe it’s in our nature to make better use of our time. Because that’s what productivity means. On a deeper level, we all realize we have limited time. You and I both know that we’re not getting younger. Time is ticking. It stops for no one. We need to use it. Etcetera, etcetera—we get the idea. And yet, without a clear productivity strategy, we squander our time li

The Fear of Death .....

Death wanders through our lives at will, sweet Death Is busy with each intake of our breath. Why do you fear her? Lo, her laughing face All rosy with the light of jocund grace! A kind and lovely maiden culling flowers In a sweet garden fresh with vernal showers, This is the thing you fear, young portress bright Who opens to our souls the worlds of light. Is it because the twisted stem must feel Pain when the tenderest hands its glory steal? Is it because the flowerless stalk droops dull And ghastly now that was so beautiful? Or is it the opening portal’s horrid jar That shakes you, feeble souls of courage bare? Death is but changing of our robes to wait In wedding garments at the Eternal’s gate. Rishi Aurobindo  

7 Ways to Improve Your Life Now by Eric James It’s one thing to exist in this world, but it’s another thing to be alive. Unfortunately, many people simply happen to be existing, but not truly living. You and I are not an exemption. There are days, or sometimes even weeks or months that it seems we are at a stall, not moving forward, and are simply stuck in a rut. There are times that we allow our mundane routines to suck the life out of us and turn us into zombies. However, we were not designed to live boring lives. We were not designed to do the same mind-numbing tasks day in and day out. On the contrary, we were made to live an enlivened life, one that we are enthusiastic about living. We were made to feel invigorated and alive even for the most ordinary of moments. When we are living the kind of life we were made to live, we have hope that lets us find rich meaning in our everyday experiences. Being excited about life is a choice, though, an

7 Ways to Find Tremendous Focus and Get Things Done We face various kinds of challenges each day, but nothing seems to be more challenging than staying focused. But how can you focus when there’s a lot of things crying for your attention all the time? If it’s not your boss calling you on your cellphone, it’s Facebook or Twitter tempting you to update your status. The worst thing is that our minds are not designed to bounce around like a ball from one court to another. On the contrary, we are designed to focus on one thing at a time. While it’s okay to multi-task from time to time, shifting your attention from one thing to another can actually hurt your brain, which can later on lead to unproductivity. So how do you concentrate on one thing so that you can get things done? Here are seven tips that can help you do just that. Work on One Item at a Time It may seem pretty obvious, but focus can only be achieved if your mind is fixed on one thing a

Trying to Become a Better Maths Teacher

Improving math education and preparation programs for math teachers is a complicated task, but through my experience and research I’ve learned some general principles and strategies that are effective in helping support all students to engage in mathematics. Believe that all students can learn math. You must believe that every one of your students – no matter their background or current level of knowledge – is capable. Look for each student’s individual strengths and how you can leverage those strengths in the classroom. To me, this is the fundamental underlying principle of being a good teacher. Use rehearsals as a preparation tool. The most important things that I do in teacher preparation classes is helping my students connect the ideas that we read about to their own practice as teachers. One of the ways I do this is through “coached rehearsals.” One student will lead a discussion while the other members of the class act as the “kids.” During the rehearsal, we

Becoming a Philosopher Tips

Wondering is philosophy, philosophy is wondering. Never stop asking why, even when you are given an answer. Look for meaning behind everything around you. Whenever you encounter something that your intuition tells you doesn't make sense or seems "fishy," look into why. Philosophy is more than reading philosophical works. True philosophy comes from daily thought and analysis of everything around us. Don't hesitate to argue positions that are the opposite of what you believe. Being able to see as many sides of an issue as possible is an excellent way to hone your own arguments and thinking. A supreme philosopher can (and probably will) challenge even the most basic beliefs held by his or her society for without fear of criticism. This is exactly what Darwin, Galileo, and Einstein did, and why they are remembered. As Thomas Jefferson said: "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper