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Showing posts from September, 2024

Summary of Grit by Duckworth

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth explores the concept of grit as a key factor in achieving success. Duckworth, a psychologist, argues that talent alone is not enough to achieve long-term success. Instead, the combination of passion and perseverance, which she defines as "grit," is what truly matters. Key Concepts from "Grit": 1. Grit Defined : Grit is the combination of passion (a deep interest and commitment to something) and perseverance (the ability to stick with it over the long term, even when challenges arise). Gritty people have a long-term goal they are passionate about, and they work consistently toward it, despite obstacles or setbacks. 2. Talent vs. Effort : Duckworth challenges the common belief that success is primarily a result of innate talent. She argues that while talent can provide a head start, effort counts twice . Talent leads to skill, but effort turns skill into achievement. This formula is summarized as: Talen

Summary of Zero to One

I am almost through in reading this book , found it very inspiring for myself and all managers and entrepreneurs. It tries to structure many thoughts passing through my mind presently.   Zero to One by Peter Thiel, co-written with Blake Masters, is a thought-provoking book that offers unconventional ideas about startups, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The main premise is that progress happens in two ways: horizontal (copying existing solutions) and vertical (creating new things). The goal of every entrepreneur, according to Thiel, should be to go from "Zero to One," which means building something entirely new rather than simply replicating what already exists. Key Concepts from "Zero to One": 1. Monopoly vs. Competition : Thiel argues that competition is for losers. The ideal business creates a monopoly, where it dominates the market with a unique product or service. Monopolies drive innovation, profit, and long-term success, while competition erodes profits and

Subhashis Dasgupta- profile

Subhashis Dasgupta is a seasoned professional with a strong educational background and significant experience in corporate leadership, particularly with the Duncan Goenka Group . Here is a detailed profile based on his professional and academic achievements: Professional Background: Duncan Goenka Group : Subhashis Dasgupta has held senior positions in the Duncan Goenka Group , a large Indian conglomerate involved in industries such as tea, infrastructure, chemicals, engineering, and more. His roles within the group have included leadership in strategic planning, business development, and operations management across various sectors. Corporate Leadership : With his extensive experience in business management, Dasgupta has been a key figure in steering the growth and expansion of the Duncan Goenka Group. His leadership has helped the group navigate through challenges and scale its operations in competitive markets. Educational Background: Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta :

"Convenience Store Woman" by Sayaka Murata

  "Convenience Store Woman" by Sayaka Murata is a contemporary Japanese novel that follows the life of Keiko Furukura , a 36-year-old woman who has worked part-time at a convenience store for 18 years. Through Keiko's experiences, the novel explores themes of societal norms, identity, and the pressure to conform. Here’s a summary: Plot Summary: Keiko’s Life in the Convenience Store : Keiko Furukura is socially atypical and has struggled to fit into conventional roles since childhood. She lacks the emotions and instincts that society expects, which makes her feel out of place. At 18, she begins working at a convenience store in Tokyo and finds peace in the structured environment. The store provides a rigid system where Keiko knows exactly how to behave, from the way she greets customers to how she arranges products. Keiko becomes fully absorbed in the store’s rhythm, feeling comfortable and purposeful in her routine. However, she remains detached from traditional expect

Economy and Stock Market Outlook by Franklin Templeton India

  India has been one of the fastest growing large economies in the world in recent years and is projected to become one of the top three economies before the end of this decade. India’s growth journey continues to present long term wealth creation opportunities for investors. Let’s delve a little deeper into the factors driving India’s economic growth and the broad themes which present opportunities for us as investors. Why India: As part of China plus one strategy, many global companies and investors are looking at alternative markets like India. India’s Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme is giving a boost to domestic manufacturing across sectors. Global investor interest in India has been rising in recent years given the structural changes in the country.   India’s Growth Story: Consumption, rising urbanization and higher demand for financial services are some themes which are expected to benefit due to India’s demographics. By the end of 2030, about 80% of India’s population w

Setting up a Shopify Store

 Creating a Shopify store is a straightforward process that involves a few key steps, from setting up your account to launching your products. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to create a Shopify store: 1. Sign Up for a Shopify Account Go to Shopify’s Website : Visit and click the "Start Free Trial" button. Shopify offers a free trial, usually for 14 days. Create Your Account : Enter your email address, password, and store name. The store name will also be used as part of your temporary domain (e.g., Answer Shopify’s Questions : Shopify will ask for some basic information, such as whether you're already selling or just starting, and what industry your business is in. 2. Set Up Your Store Access the Dashboard : Once your account is created, you’ll land on the Shopify dashboard. This is where you’ll manage everything from products to orders, payments, and marketing. Basic Store Settings: Store Name : You can change your store name i

A tasty salad for Healthy Living

 Making a tasty salad with Indian vegetables is both nutritious and flavorful. You can incorporate various fresh vegetables and spices to give your salad a distinctly Indian twist. Here's a simple yet delicious recipe for a spiced Indian vegetable salad : Ingredients : Vegetables: Cucumber : 1, chopped into small cubes. Tomato : 1-2, diced. Carrot : 1, grated or thinly sliced. Onion : 1 small, thinly sliced. Radish (Mooli) : 1, grated (optional). Beetroot : 1 small, grated (optional for a sweet-earthy flavor). Capsicum (Bell Pepper) : 1, thinly sliced. Cabbage : A small amount, finely shredded. Green Chilies : 1, finely chopped (optional for heat). For the dressing: Lemon Juice : 2 tablespoons. Roasted Cumin Powder : 1 teaspoon. Chaat Masala : 1 teaspoon (adds tangy flavor). Salt : To taste. Black Pepper : To taste. Fresh Coriander Leaves : A handful, chopped. Fresh Mint Leaves : A handful, chopped (optional). Optional Add-ins: Boiled Chickpeas (Chana) : ½ cup (for added protein).

Steps to Become an Independent Director of a Listed Company

 Becoming an Independent Director of a listed company in India requires a combination of professional qualifications, experience, compliance with regulatory requirements, and the ability to fulfill the responsibilities as per the Companies Act, 2013, and SEBI regulations. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to become an Independent Director: Steps to Become an Independent Director of a Listed Company: 1. Meet the Eligibility Criteria The basic requirements for becoming an Independent Director are outlined under the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 . You must meet the following criteria: Independence : You should not have any material or financial relationship with the company, its directors, promoters, or holding company that could affect your independence. Qualifications and Experience : You should have expertise in fields like law, finance, corporate governance, or management relevant to the company’s industry. No Pecuniary Relationships : You should not have a

Increasing your Level of Awareness

  To increase your level of awareness, you need to : -  be active in pushing yourself to make choices and take responsibility; -  keep the pleasure of learning and not be afraid of new knowledge: it is there to enrich what we have learned; -  be in the present moment: let's not brood over our regrets or our fear of the future, we will be all the more serene and efficient; -  to be anchored in the truth by banishing any personal interpretation: we must remain objective in all circumstances so  as not to have a distorted vision of the facts; -  accept reality and the negative feelings it can engender: we must assume what we are 100%; -  regularly take stock of one's life in order to know where we are in relation to the achievement of our objectives and, if necessary, improve our actions to achieve what we are looking for; -  know how to act according to our environment: by being aware of the fluctuations and rules of the system in which we live, we will feel more fulfilled and we

Adonais by Shelley

  "Adonais" is an elegy written by Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1821 to mourn the death of the Romantic poet John Keats . It’s widely regarded as one of Shelley's greatest poems and one of the finest elegies in English literature. In this poem, Shelley meditates on mortality, the immortality of art, and the poet's connection to nature and the divine. Here's an analysis and summary of "Adonais" : Overview "Adonais" is a pastoral elegy, following the classical tradition used by poets like Theocritus and Milton . In this form, death is mourned, nature is personified, and the poem moves from grief to acceptance. Shelley portrays Keats (referred to as "Adonais," a name combining Adonis and Alpheus, symbolizing beauty and death) as a figure who transcends death and becomes immortal through his poetry. The poem is divided into 55 stanzas of Spenserian stanzas (nine-line stanzas with the rhyme scheme ABABBCBCC). Its progression moves from sorr

Ode to the West Wind by Shelley

  "Ode to the West Wind" by Percy Bysshe Shelley is one of his most famous and powerful poems. Written in 1819, it reflects Shelley's revolutionary spirit, his deep connection to nature, and his desire for personal and societal transformation. The poem is structured in five cantos and addresses the West Wind as a powerful force of change and renewal. Overview of the Poem In the poem, Shelley appeals to the West Wind, addressing it as both a destructive and creative force. The wind is depicted as a powerful, uncontrollable natural force that drives seasonal change. Throughout the poem, Shelley expresses his desire for the wind to inspire him and spread his thoughts and ideas to bring about social and political change. Here’s a breakdown of the poem’s central themes, structure, and key imagery. Structure and Form Five Cantos : The poem is divided into five sections, or cantos, each consisting of fourteen lines. The form is a mix of a terza rima (a three-line rhyme scheme)

Ozymandias by Shelley

 One of Percy Bysshe Shelley's most celebrated and influential poems is "Ozymandias" . It stands out for its powerful themes, compact form, and timeless relevance. Here's the poem, followed by an explanation of why it’s considered his best by many readers and critics: Ozymandias (1818) I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. Why "Ozymandias" is Considered Shelley's Best Themes of P

Divine Comedy Summary

 Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy is an epic poem written in the early 14th century, composed of three parts: Inferno , Purgatorio , and Paradiso . The work narrates Dante’s symbolic journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, guided first by the Roman poet Virgil and then by Beatrice, a representation of divine love. The poem explores themes of sin, redemption, and divine justice, offering an allegory of the soul’s path toward God. Structure of the Divine Comedy Each section contains 33 cantos (except for Inferno , which has an additional introductory canto, making it 34). The poem is written in terza rima , a three-line rhyme scheme that reflects the Trinitarian theology central to the work’s Christian worldview. Inferno (Hell) In Inferno , Dante begins his journey on Good Friday , finding himself lost in a dark forest, symbolizing confusion and sin. He is rescued by the spirit of the poet Virgil , sent by Beatrice. Together, they descend through the nine circles of Hell, each

The First Circle by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

In the context of today's bureaucrats having to work under political pressure , this book is a good read    The First Circle by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is a novel set in a Soviet prison-labor camp (sharashka) during the late 1940s. The camp holds highly skilled prisoners, including scientists and engineers, who work on secret research projects for the government rather than enduring harsh physical labor in the gulag. The title references the "first circle" of Dante’s Inferno , symbolizing a more tolerable level of suffering compared to other forms of imprisonment. The story weaves together the lives of various inmates, examining themes like morality, loyalty, and the crushing effects of totalitarianism. Here’s a breakdown of the major plot elements and characters: Plot Overview The novel is primarily set over three days at a sharashka near Moscow. It revolves around several key events: The Anonymous Phone Call : The story begins when Innokenty Volodin, a diplomat, makes a

Best Departments in Loreto College , Kolkata

 Loreto College, Kolkata, is one of the premier women’s colleges in India, known for its academic excellence, holistic education, and vibrant campus life. Affiliated with the University of Calcutta, Loreto College has a strong reputation for several departments that excel in teaching, research, and extracurricular activities. Here’s a look at some of the best departments at Loreto College, Kolkata : 1. Department of English Programs : B.A. (Hons) in English, M.A. in English Key Features : One of the most distinguished departments at Loreto College, with a rich tradition of literary studies. The curriculum covers a wide range of English literature, including British, American, Indian, post-colonial, and contemporary writings. Strong emphasis on critical thinking, literary analysis, and research. Regular seminars, workshops, and interactions with well-known authors and literary figures. Graduates often pursue higher studies, teaching, or careers in writing, publishing, and media. 2. Depa

Best Departments in Amity University , Kolkata

 Amity University Kolkata is a relatively new campus of the Amity Group but has quickly established itself with several strong departments offering quality education. While the university offers a wide range of programs across multiple disciplines, a few departments stand out due to their academic rigor, infrastructure, faculty, and industry collaborations. Here's a list of some of the best departments at Amity University Kolkata : 1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering Programs : B.Tech in Computer Science, M.Tech, and Ph.D. Key Features : Known for its modern curriculum that includes specializations in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Cybersecurity, and IoT. Strong industry collaborations and partnerships with tech companies. Good placement records with students being hired by top tech companies such as TCS, Wipro, IBM, and Infosys. Regular workshops, coding competitions, and hackathons. 2. Department of Biotechnology Programs : B.Tech in Biotec